If the installation has failed, the following procedure is recommended.

  • Make sure that all Windows updates have been installed and restart the computer.

The following section lists the most common errors for each of the setup points from the Setup process section and describes how to complete the individual tasks manually.

Understanding the setup process is important in order to repair a failed installation. Understanding the setup also helps to rectify errors during operation of the GP Manager.

The GP Manager setup runs through the following points.

  1. After starting the setup, the system first checks whether the Installation medium next to the executable setup file GpTools and a INI folder are present, if this is not the case, the setup is cancelled.
  2. Decompress and copy the files from the setup file to the specified folder. Installation path
  3. Copying the GpTools Folder from Installation medium in the installation path
  4. Extraction of the zip from the INI directory of the installation medium in the Installation path
  5. Installation of the Visual Studio Redistributable packages
  6. Installation of DirectX
  7. Installation of the Microsoft SQL Server Express
  8. Restart of the computer
  9. Executing theSQL.exe database
  • Administrator rights on the computer (right-click -> "Run as administrator" to start the setup)
  • Current Windows updates
  • Installed DirectX
  • Visual Studio Redistributable packages (2015, 2013, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2005) the packages are not cumulative, i.e. all packages must be installed.
  • Microsoft SQL Server Express

The GP Manger is supplied on a USB stick or DVD and can be installed from this.

Some computers experience problems during setup. The most common problem is that the Microsoft SQL Server Express is not installed correctly or the installation of one of the Microsoft Visual Studio Redistributable packages fails.

To ensure that the GP Manager can still be installed if the installation fails, it is important to have a basic knowledge of the system requirements and the setup procedure.

The description applies to both GP Manager V6.5 and GP Manager V7.

If the default path in the instructions is C:\GPM_V7 is specified, then you must change it for version 6.5 to C:\GeBioM_SQL The same applies to the instance names of the SQL Server (GEBIOMV7/GEBIOM).

  Version 6.5 Version 7
Installation path C:\GeBioM_SQL C:\GPM_V7
Instance name GEBIOM GEBIOMV7


Relative paths are specified in the instructions. It is assumed that you are in the installation path.

Example: .\GpData corresponds to standard settings C:\GPM_V7\GpData resp. C:\GeBioM_SQL\GpData