To define the colours, set the slider below the colour scale to the desired number of colours. This is displayed in the centre below the scale. You can set values between 1 and 64. Each individual colour must now be defined. To do this, double-click in the colour field to be defined and the Windows colour dialogue box will appear. Click on the desired base colour on the left. If required, this can be varied manually on the right in the square colour spectrum or in the brightness gradation next to it. The current colour is displayed in the "Colour / Base" is displayed. Once the desired colour has been set, click on "Add colour" and the colour appears in the first box of the "Custom colours„.

Make sure that the colour appears in the top left-hand box before continuing.

Then click on "OK" and the colour is entered in the colour scale. You must repeat this process for each colour box (or see "Calculate„)