Rich Text
The Rich Text module makes it possible to combine a text with an image. The text is read in from a text file so that, once created, it can be used again and again. It is important to ensure that the file is created in .rtf (Rich Text Format) (e.g. with Word, Wordpad or Works). To do this, the file type must be changed to .rtf when saving the file. The file must be saved in the GpSystem\BIB_Texte folder in the root folder so that it can be found by the GP Manager. Corresponding changes to the format are adopted.
If you make changes to the texts, first save the .\GpSystem\BIB_Texts folder from the GP Manager installation directory.
Step 1
To add an image to the corresponding text, the image file must have the same name as the text file. The format should be *.bmp. However, other formats are also supported.
Step 2
Example: Filename.rtf and Filename.bmp appear in the GP Manager as the file name in the selection. The image can be positioned to the right or left of the text.
Step 3