Why does GP Manager V7 close after a customer has been selected?

Error description

If you start GP Manager V7 and select a customer, the programme is closed after clicking on the back arrow.

Causes of errors

The error only affects the GP Manager from version 7, older versions are not affected by this problem.

There is an incompatibility between GP Manager V7 and the "AMD Gaming Evolved" programme from Raptr.

The programme is supplied together with AMD Radeon graphics cards and is installed when the graphics card driver is updated.


The "AMD Gaming Evolved" programme must not run in the background while working with the GP Manager. Exit the programme if it is running.

  • Prevent the programme from starting automatically. Open the programme and select the small tool key in the top right-hand corner of the window.
  • Click on "Settings
  • Deactivate the option "Start Raptr automatically