Why does the message "Customer blocked" appear?


Error description

When trying to open a customer, the message appears that the customer is blocked. The customer cannot be opened

Causes of errors

The GP Manager only allows one instance of a customer to be edited at a time. If a customer is edited on several workstations at the same time, changes to the customer may be overwritten later.

It may happen that the customer is not released again due to a crash during processing.


If you are sure that you are the only one making changes to the customer, you can unblock the customer.

If the customer is processed on two computers, this can lead to data loss for this customer. Make sure that the customer is not opened twice.

GP Manager V7

  1. Start the GP Manager
  2. Select "GP Admin
  3. Select "Unblock customer
  4. In the dialogue you can see the workstations and the customers who are currently processing them.
  5. Select the workstation that is currently processing your customer.
  6. Click on "Unlock

GP Manager V6.5

  1. Start the GP Manager
  2. Select File -> Database
  3. In the lower area, you can select the work centres that currently have customers open.
  4. Select the workstations.
  5. Then click on "Remove lock !!!!