Why is the foot no longer automatically framed?

Error description

Normally, a scanned foot is automatically outlined with a red line. The line no longer appears. However, the foot is not recognised by the GP Manager during the measurement.

Cause of error

This error can have several causes.

  • You want to scan a footprint, or you have scanned a footprint and want to scan a foot, now you need to change the setting for invert.
  • The scan is not so good, so that an artefact is detected in the image to the border.
  • You are using a scanner that is not from GeBioM and works with a CCID chip instead of a CMOS chip


Use the "Limit" function

  1. Start the GP Manager and search for the customer
  2. Select the measurement in which the feet are not recognised
  3. Click on the "Limit" Button
  4. Draw a rectangle around the foot that is not recognised. If you have selected a rectangle that is too small, drag another rectangle until the entire foot is inside the rectangle.
  5. Then click on Limit again.
  6. Then change the threshold value setting to obtain an outline.

Deactivate Invert.

  1. Start the GP Manager
  2. Select Trade fairs -> GP foot measurement
  3. Select Process
  4. Remove the tick from Invert

The border is set at the edge of the scan

It is often the case that the border for the foot is set similarly to the following image.


  1. In this case, select "Settings
  2. In the dialogue, set the scan area so that the edge is not scanned. Then scan the foot again.
  3. The GP Manager should now set the border around the foot correctly again.

You are using a CCIS scanner

  1. If you are using a CCIS scanner, the background around the foot is white. A CMOS scanner displays the area around the foot in dark/black.
  2. Unfortunately, CCIS scanners are not yet compatible with the GP Manager.