When the Comparison option is activated (click on ..., select comparison measurement, tick the Comparison box), the "Basic analysis" and "Professional analysis" boxes become active. These provide a comparison of the measurement data for the two measurements displayed. After clicking on one of the two options, a table appears at the bottom of the screen in which various measurement data are compared with each other.

The basic analysis is divided into rearfoot and forefoot. The maximum pressure and impulse parameters are listed next to each other and the percentage deviations of the compared measurements are calculated.

The professional analysis is divided into all foot zones (standard - 6 zones). The parameters maximum pressure, average pressure, loaded area, impulse, force and force rate are listed next to each other and the percentage deviations of the compared measurements are calculated.

By activating the "Chart" checkbox, a chart is shown in the measurement display. The pressure centre is calculated at every point in the measurement. This is marked as a point in the dynamic progression. The hydrograph therefore represents the connection of the pressure centres of all individual images and is to be interpreted as the point of application of the body's centre of gravity.

By activating the "Zones" checkbox and selecting an associated parameter "Max. pressure", "Aver. pressure" or "Bel. Area", the corresponding values of the zones are displayed on the work surface.

A distinction must be made here as to whether the values for a specific point in time (time diagram) or the specific areas "Max. pressure", "Average pressure" or "Bel. Area" should be displayed.

Zone definition

It is now possible to edit the zones manually. This function is only possible if the axis is set, or in other words, if the "Axis" box is not ticked. All changes made on one foot side are automatically transferred to the other foot side. Operation is carried out by holding down the Ctrl key. There are several options:

  • Change an existing zone
    • click on the zone to be changed while holding down the Ctrl key and change the size of the zone at the corner or side points with the mouse, or change the position of the zone while holding down the mouse button in the zone
    • double-click in the zone while holding down the Ctrl key to open a new window (see Figure 12). Here you can enter the name, move the sliders to change the colour and enter the coordinates to change the size and position of the zone.
  • Define a new zone
    • A window can be opened by holding down the Ctrl plus Shift key. This is then a new zone and can now be edited in the same way as under 1.) "Change existing zone".

If a change has been made under 1.) or 2.), the option "Save zones" appears (see Figure 13). The changed zone can be overwritten there or a new zone can be created. In the latter case, a new name must be entered for the zone. By clicking on "Zone definition", you can select from the list of already created zones (see Figure 14). The selected zone categorisation is displayed graphically and it is possible to delete a previously defined zone categorisation.

The "Maximum values" checkbox causes the maximum value for each foot zone to be displayed.

After activating the "Impulse, force, force rate" radio button, gait patterns are displayed in the form of force-time diagrams. All defined zones are taken into account. In addition, an overall force curve (grey here) is displayed.

The diagrams are based on one step each (right and left). The step that comes closest to the average contact time of all steps is displayed.

Common to all diagrams is the visualisation of the relevant biomechanical parameters:

  • Pulse [Ns]
  • Force [N]
  • Force rate [kN/s]
  • Time [s]

The "3 D" radio button causes a change to a 3D print image. Please note that this only applies to the gait pattern of the active zone (red rectangle). The "Change side" button retains its function, so that a quick switch to the other measured foot side is possible with a simple mouse click.

You can view the measurement from different perspectives by clicking in the workspace and rotating the measurement while holding down the left mouse button. The direction of rotation is determined by the following key combination and mouse movement:

Key combination Mouse movement Direction of rotation

Left mouse button horizontally around the y-axis

right mouse button vertically around the x-axis

By moving the mouse vertically while holding down the CTRL key, the print area is raised or flattened. This function can be useful when preparing a printout.

After activating the "2 D" radio button, gear images are displayed in the form of colour fields.

In the default setting, hydrographs are displayed in the form of isobars. This graphic shows the uniform pressure distribution. The "Isobars" radio button is activated.

To compare two measurements with each other, you must first select a data set for comparison. To do this, click on the button - This is located to the right of .

You can select a comparison measurement in the following preview window:

Select a comparison measurement by clicking on it. Now confirm this selection with the "Select" button.

To see the selected comparison, you must tick the checkbox before the comparison. If you deactivate the checkbox, you will return to the initial measurement.