In this module, you have the option of accessing your webcam and storing photos and small videos for the customer or importing external images.

Comments and notes can be stored for each customer in this module.

GP Mail is a module of the GP Manager that can also be activated. It enables the transfer of customer and measurement data. You do not need an additional mail programme with this tool.

With this button you can either save your entire database as GPF files by first selecting the "Complete" button and then clicking on "Save files as gpf". Or you can save customer data from a specific date as GPF files. To do this, first select the date, select "From specific date" and then click on "Save files as GPF".

A window will then open in which you must select the storage location.

If you want to import several GPF files from a specific folder into the GP Manager, please click on the "Read folder" button. A window will open in which you can select the relevant folder.

If you use this function to regularly import your customer data, please contact us so that we can set up a standard folder for you.

If a customer has been created twice in the database, you can merge the customer data into one customer using the "Merge customer" button. To do this, search for the two customers in the window. Select the respective customers in the two lists. By clicking on "Apply", the customer data of the customer selected on the right-hand side is transferred to the customer selected on the left-hand side. The customer retains the customer number of the customer displayed on the left.

Dialogue: Bringing customers together

After selecting the "Delete customer" button, the following window opens:

Dialogue: Delete customer

Start the search for the customer by entering the surname, first name or date of birth and click on "Search". A list of possible customers will then be displayed. Select the relevant customer and click on "Delete".

All previous projects are displayed in the project overview if you have selected a customer.

Projektansicht, bei einem ausgewählten Kunden

Project overview, for a selected customer

The preview images of the measurements, your information on the measurement and the creation date are displayed (the preview images are only loaded once the measurement has been opened. If only symbols are displayed here, the measurements must be opened once).

To view further measurements, move the display upwards with the left mouse button or use the mouse wheel while the cursor is positioned over the project overview. Double-click on the preview image to go directly to the relevant measurement and the relevant measurement module.

This button can also be used to save the existing data records. In contrast to section 5.2.2, this function also allows you to select the file path where the data record is to be saved.

This button is used to save your existing data records. If you have not yet selected a customer, you will first be prompted to do so. The GPF data record is then saved under the path "C:\Temp\GpTemp" saved.