GT IMPAX with GP foot pressure
1.Operating manual
GP Manager
Version 7.4
Module: GP FootPrint
Measuring system: GT IMPAX

GeBioM mbH
Wilhelm-Schickard-Straße 12
Germany - 48149 Münster
Phone: +49 251 98724 - 0
2.1. important information
3.1.1 General information
With the pressure measurement system GT IMPAX you can record the plantar pressure load when walking barefoot.
The pressure data from the measuring platform is sent directly to your PC, either via WLAN or USB, where it is stored and analysed. The measuring platform has 2,304 pressure sensors spread over a measuring area of 38 cm x 38 cm. The maximum measuring frequency is 200 Hz.
This manual in digital form, as well as answers to frequently asked questions, can be found on our support homepage à
4.1.2 Intended use
The target user group for the systems is not made up of end users, but of specialist groups (engineers, orthopaedic (shoe) technicians, biomechanics specialists, trainers, etc.) from the various sectors:
- Orthopaedic (shoe) technology
- Sport
- Science
The user of the GeBioM pressure distribution measuring systems is always given an introduction when the systems are delivered, e.g. online or on site. This includes basic handling of the systems, exclusion criteria for certain measurement situations (e.g. do not use sharp objects, etc.) and an introduction to the evaluation options of the respective system. The specialist knowledge required to analyse the results is assumed. The devices cannot be used contrary to their intended purpose according to normal judgement. The measures taken by the user based on the respective measurement results are always subject to his personal expertise and philosophy.
The systems are designed in such a way that the respective test person (in industry usually employees of the respective department, in sales consulting the customer, in orthopaedic (shoe) technology the customer/patient) is not significantly influenced by the movement of the measuring sensors. The subject merely walks across the measurement field.
Important: Make sure that the measuring foil is not damaged by sharp objects.
objects is loaded. This could cause the sensors to malfunction.
5.1.3 Calibration cycles
GeBioM recommends regular calibration of the measuring system, at least once a year. If the system is used almost daily, the calibration should be repeated more often. The calibration is carried out by GeBioM. The Users is, however, obliged to update the calibration file after a new calibration.
You can find the current calibration file for your measuring system on our homepage atDownloads à Calibration files
Simply enter the serial number of your pressure measuring plate in the search field (e.g. B24D027). Then download the corresponding file and copy it into the "KAL" folder of your software.
The serial number can be found on the label on the front.

6.2. hardware GT IMPAX
7.2.1 Scope of delivery
- GT IMPAX pressure measurement platform
- USB power supply unit for power supply (FRIWO GmbH, type FW8002.1MUSB/05)
- USB cable (USB-A to USB-A)
- WLAN stick
- Instruction manual incl. quick start guide

8.2.2 Device description

9.3. installation and commissioning
Our support team will install the software for the pressure measuring plate and activate all the required modules. You will be guided through the individual steps of the installation. If you have already installed the GP Manager, an update to version 7.4. is necessary for the hardware to function properly.
Measure with WLAN or USB, the choice is yours. After successful installation or update, our support team will set up your preferred data transmission.
10.3.1 Measuring with WLAN
If you have decided to measure via USB, skip this section and go straight to the next chapter 3.2 Measuring with USB
If you have opted for wireless data transfer via WLAN, please plug the WLAN stick supplied into a free USB port on your PC. If your PC already has a WLAN interface, you can use the internal WLAN interface on your laptop. In this case, however, please note that you can only connect to one WLAN network at a time. The connection to your company WLAN would therefore be disconnected for the duration of the measurement, for example.
The pressure measuring plate does not have an integrated rechargeable battery. Ensure that the plate is powered by connecting the enclosed USB cable and adapter to a nearby power socket. Alternatively, you can also use a power bank as a power source.

The plate is now switched on and the LED on the top of the housing lights up. To start a measurement, you must first connect to the WLAN of the hard disk. The WLAN name corresponds to the serial number of your hard disk The WLAN is open and therefore has no password. It is advisable to activate the automatic connection.
Before the pressure measuring plate can be used for the first time and after each new calibration, the user is obliged to download the latest calibration file. Instructions for this are described in the following chapter: 1.3 Calibration cycles.
Now open the already installed GP Manager and start a measurement in the GP foot pressure module.
11.3.2 Measuring with USB
If you have opted for data transfer via USB cable, please connect the enclosed cable to the disc and PC. Please always use the original USB cable.
The pressure measuring plate does not have an integrated rechargeable battery. In USB mode, it is automatically supplied with power via the USB port of your PC.
When using the device for the first time, it is important that your PC is connected to the Internet so that the driver can be downloaded from the Internet and installed automatically.
Before the pressure measuring plate can be used for the first time and after each new calibration, the user is obliged to download the latest calibration file. Instructions for this are described in the following chapter: 1.3 Calibration cycles.
Now open the already installed GP Manager and start a measurement in the GP foot pressure module.
12.4. software module GP foot pressure
With the software module GP FootPrint the plantar pressure distribution in the barefoot gait is measured and can then be analysed.
13.4.1 Overview
To start the module, you must first select a customer or create a new one. To do this, click on the following icon in the top right-hand corner

To create a new customer, click on

and fill in at least the mandatory fields marked with an *. Via the arrow

to return to the start page and start the GP FootPrint module.

This takes you to the user interface of the measured value recording module. This module is used to record measured values from the connected GeBioM hardware and process measurements. At the top right, you can switch between the two measuring systems MobilData and MultiSens can be selected. If you have not already done so, please select MultiSens. The left-hand side is selected on the user interface, which can be recognised by the red border. At startup, the left foot is activated by default.

14.4.2 Start measurement
After clicking on "Measurement", the live dialogue opens. When measuring with USB, it only takes a few seconds to establish a connection. When measuring with WLAN, it takes a little longer to establish the connection for the first measurement. As soon as the live dialogue appears, you can start the measurement by clicking on "Start measurement". The patient stands approx. 2-3 steps away from the measurement platform and walks over the platform with their left foot at their usual walking speed. The measurement is automatically saved and displayed immediately afterwards. After the left foot has been measured, the right measurement field is selected on the user interface and the "Measure" button is clicked again.

15.4.3 Presentation and analysis
After a measurement, the totalised pressure distribution is displayed. The colour of the display provides information about the level of pressure. With a click on

At the top right, older measurements of the customer can be selected. Customise display
If the feet are inadvertently displayed incorrectly, the display can be changed by clicking on "Left Right" and "Running direction". Info
By clicking on "Info...", you can enter information about the recorded measurement. This is then displayed in the display area at the bottom left. Legend
The legend is shown at the top right and provides information about the level of pressure in the respective foot region. The warmer the colour, the higher the pressure. The unit of pressure is given as standard in Newtons per cm² (N/cm²). In a MultiSens measurement, a pressure range of approx. 23 N/cm² is shown in green and the foot region that exceeds a pressure value of 46 N/cm² is shown in red. Force-time diagram
The force-time diagram is located below the pressure distribution. It shows the total force as a function of time. The force progression of the left foot is shown as a red line and that of the right foot as a green line.

A simple left mouse click in the diagram selects a point in time and displays the respective pressure distribution image in the display area. The selected point is indicated by a black vertical marker and the time is shown in seconds at the end of the force-time curves. At the same time, the current force values are displayed on the right in the "Current [N]" line.
If you move the marker while holding down the left mouse button, a "quasi real-time" display of the gait pattern is shown. The right or left arrow key on the keyboard offers another option for scrolling through the gait pattern. The scrolling direction corresponds to the arrows.
You can also zoom into a specific area of the diagram. To do this, press the CTRL key and simultaneously drag a rectangle with the mouse (left mouse button) over the area to be zoomed. The entire measurement is displayed again by left-clicking while holding down the CTRL key. Zones
Each foot is divided into different zones so that it can be analysed in more detail. If you activate the box next to "Zone division", the zones are displayed in colour. The following 6 zones are defined for the stance: Heel, midfoot, ball of foot inside, ball of foot centre, ball of foot outside, toes. You can find an overview by clicking on Zone definition.
If the "Max. pressure" selection is activated, the height and location of the maximum pressure of the respective zone is displayed. Alternatively, you can also display the average pressure or the size of the loaded area [mm²] of the respective zone. Here too, you can jump to any point in the force-time diagram.
You can read how to define the zones individually according to your requirements in chapter 4.3.9. Comparison
You can compare the currently open measurement with another measurement. To do this, click on the button

and select the desired comparison measurement in the preview window.

To see the selected comparison, you must tick the checkbox in front of the comparison

If you deactivate the checkbox, you will return to the initial measurement. Display variants Isobars
In the default setting, the pressure distribution is shown in the isobaric representation (see Figure 10). The various high pressure ranges merge seamlessly into one another. The "Isobars" radio button is activated. 2-D
After activating the "2D" radio button, the print image is displayed in the form of colour fields/pixels. 3-D Pressure Mountains
The "3D" radio button causes a change to a 3D pressure map. Please note that this only applies to the gait pattern of the active zone (red rectangle). The "Change page" button at the top of the screen allows you to quickly switch to the other measured foot.

You can view the 3D visualisation from different perspectives. Click in the workspace and rotate the measurement while holding down the left mouse button.
By moving the mouse vertically while holding down the CTRL key, the print area is raised or flattened. This function can be useful when preparing a printout. Impulse, force, force rate
hen the "Impulse, force, force rate" radio button is activated, the force-time diagrams are displayed for all defined zones. The impulse, maximum force and force rate are also calculated for each zone.

These biomechanical parameters, which can be seen on the left of the curves, are helpful for a detailed gait analysis. Zone definition

It is possible to edit the zones manually. This function is only possible if "Axis" is not ticked. All changes made on one foot side are automatically transferred to the other foot side. Operation is carried out by holding down the Ctrl key. There are several options:
- Change an existing zone
- click on the zone to be changed while holding down the Ctrl key and change the size of the zone at the corner or side points with the mouse, or change the position of the zone while holding down the mouse button in the zone

- double-click in the zone while holding down the Ctrl key to open a new window (see Figure 15). Here you can change the name, the colour by moving the sliders and the size and position of the zone by entering the coordinates, whereby the numbers indicate the position of the zone as a percentage (e.g.: Top-0, Bottom-100, Left-0 and Right-100 encloses the entire foot).
- 2. Define a new zone
- A window can be opened by holding down the Ctrl and Shift keys. This is then a new zone and can now be edited in the same way as under 1.) "Change existing zone".
If a change has been made under 1.) or 2.), the option "Save zones" appears. The changed zone arrangement can be overwritten there or a new zone can be created.

By clicking on "Zone definition", you can select from the list of zones that have already been created (see Figure 17). The selected zoning is displayed graphically and it is possible to delete a previously defined zoning. Aligning the foot axes
If the feet are not displayed exactly vertically, the defined zones may not correspond exactly with the foot. The zones can be rotated by activating the tick next to "Axis", aligning the red axis with the foot and then clicking on "Align". Maximum values
The "Maximum values" checkbox causes the maximum value for each foot zone to be displayed. This display is also active when an old measurement is called up. Hydrograph
By activating the "Chart" checkbox, the chart is shown in the measurement display (red line). The pressure centre is calculated at every point during the measurement. This is marked as a point in the dynamic progression. The hydrograph represents the connection of the pressure centres of all individual images and is to be interpreted as the point of application of the body's centre of gravity. Basic analysis / Professional analysis
When the comparison is activated (see 4.3.6 Comparison), the "Basic analysis" and "Professional analysis" boxes become active. These provide a comparison of the measurement data for the two measurements displayed. After clicking on one of the two options, a table appears at the bottom of the screen in which various measurement data are compared with each other.
The basic analysis is divided into rearfoot and forefoot. The maximum pressure and impulse parameters are listed next to each other and the percentage deviations of the compared measurements are calculated.

The professional analysis is divided into all foot zones (standard - 6 zones). The parameters Maximum pressure, Average pressure, Loaded area, Impulse, Force and Force rate are listed next to each other and the percentage deviations of the compared measurements are calculated. If the analysis is activated, the table also appears on the printout. Player function
A player function is inserted at the bottom right of the control panel.

This ensures that the dynamic measurement runs automatically. Click on the ">" play button to run the measurement automatically. When the measurement is running, a vertical line moves across the force-time curves at the bottom of the screen. Clicking the play button again stops the process and the vertical line remains at the corresponding position. As before, it is also possible to run the programme manually using the mouse or the cursor keys. By changing the percentage next to the player functions, it is possible to slow down the sequence from 30% to 100%. If the automatic sequence is paused, the measurement can be switched forwards and backwards in individual frames using the two arrow keys next to the play button.
33.4.4 Importing and exporting measurements
You have the option of exporting the measurement you are currently viewing. The corresponding buttons can be found at the bottom right, or in older versions of the GP Manager under the cogwheel symbol.

The following export formats are available: Softcopy, DV Scan, JPG, PedCAD and ASCII. Select the desired file format from the drop-down menu and then click on "Export". Once you have selected the desired storage location, the corresponding file is exported.
Note: The entire customer is not exported. Use the "GP GPF" module for data backup or similar.
To import a PedCAD file, click on "Import" and select the desired file from the corresponding storage location.
34.4.5 Printing
Measurements can be taken by clicking on the printer symbol

(top right) can be printed out. Various display options are available to you. If the basic or professional analysis is activated, the tables also appear on the printout.
35.5. quick guide
- Connect the WLAN router (3) to a nearby power socket
- Connect the PC to the router's WLAN.
- WLAN name corresponds to serial number: GP-MS4-W-20xx-x
- Password: 12345678
If your PC is not WLAN-capable, use a WLAN stick (4)
- Switch on MultiSens platform (1)

- Select the customer button on the GP Manager start page and create a new customer or search for an existing customer

- Use the arrow to accept the customer and return to the start page

- Module GP FootPrint Open
- If the selection option is available, select the hardware "GP MultiSens" select

- Click on "Measurement" to start the measurement
- The measurement is automatically saved and can then be analysed.