Search customer
To search for a customer, please enter the first few letters of the customer's surname in the search field (1). The search starts automatically when at least three letters of the surname have been entered. If fewer letters are entered, the search is started by pressing the "Return" button.
It is also possible to search by date of birth (e.g. 01/01/2001), by customer number (e.g. O_4) or by parts of the name. Parts of the search term can be replaced by an *. The following searches are possible:
- Search for the beginning of a name Ma*
- Search for end of name *en
- Searching for the beginning and end of ma*es
If the surname contains a space, this must be replaced by an *. For example, to search for "von Fraunhofer", enter the following search term:
- "from*Fraunhofer"
To search for a first name, you must start with a space( ). A * also serves as a placeholder here.
- " Michael"
- " *ael"
- " Mi*"
With large customer databases, a customer can also be found as follows (e.g. Thomas Müller).
- Search for the surname "Müller" followed by a comma and a space.
- "Müller, "
- The surname is terminated by the comma. The first name can then be entered:
- "Müller, Thomas"
- The search returns all customers named "Thomas Müller".
The existing customers that match the search are displayed in the lower field (2). Click on the relevant customer to select it and the customer data will appear in the customer screen (5). To be able to carry out a measurement with the selected customer, please return to the start page first. The arrow (3) takes you back to the start page, the selected customer is accepted and displayed in the black menu bar.