How can I copy an existing deposit?
If you would like to copy an existing insole for a customer because they are to receive the same insole again after a certain time (perhaps with a slightly different pad thickness or similar) or they have a second pair of shoes, this is done as follows:
Open the insert to be copied in the GP CAD module.
- Specify a customer
- Open the GP CAD module via "Analysis" -> "GP CAD"
Or double-click on the inserts you want to copy in the project view.
- You should now see the inserts you have created.
- Click on "Save".
- Click on "Page".
- Click on "Save" again.
- Create a new data record using the buttons at the bottom left of the GP Manager. Click on the button that looks like a leaf with an asterisk.
- An empty data record will then be displayed. You can now copy the deposits saved above into this record by clicking on the "<" button next to the "Save" button.
- Click on "Page".
- Click on the "<" button again. The deposits are now copied to the new data record. You can use the +/- buttons at the bottom left to switch between the customer's data records.