If you click on the two dots [...] after the firmware in the second line, this dialogue window opens:

Here you can see the firmware currently in use and, if available, the latest version that is available for your printer. You can then carry out the firmware update on your printer as usual.
You can find more information about this on our support page (https://gpsupport.de/fertigung-gp-mike-support).

You can see your printers in the printer list on the right-hand side of the module.

If you open one of the printers by double-clicking on it, you will see this dialogue window:

You will see the name of the printer in the system (host) and the name of the printer you have given it in the top line.
The second line shows the model and the firmware currently in use.

The third line shows the IP addresses of the printer and the camera.

In the bottom line, you can see the current file that the printer is printing and the status of the print, as well as information about the file. Use the [Enable] button to enable the printer on your print farm again if it was at STOP (e.g. print bed not free) and the printer can print jobs from the list. The [Enable temporarily] button does not check whether the print bed is free (no camera validation), so this must be done manually and the printer prints a job and then goes back to STOP.
With the [Lock] button, the printer cannot print a print file from the job list because the printer is manually set to STOP and will not receive any more print jobs.

Firstly, the programme searches for your installed printers. All installed printers are displayed in the list on the left-hand side. For each printer, the name of the printer (1), the current status of the printer (2), the remaining printing time (3) and the name of the print file (4) are displayed. Your print file (.crypted) is automatically created in this module, unless you have switched off the automatic function (5).

In the top tab you will see the categories Slicing (6), New (7) and Done (8).
You can see your list of designed inserts in the table. Double-click to select an order and the insert is displayed in the view window. The views can be changed using the buttons next to the view window. The software automatically searches for newly created files. These files are sent to Create it Real via a web service and sliced online. The respective status for the left and right inserts is displayed in the table under Links and Right displayed
A pair of insoles that you have just sent from InsoleCAD to this module is initially listed under Slicing (6) with the status "New". If you have activated Automatic slicing (5), the programme starts the slicing process immediately. The insert goes through various stages for this:
The following statuses are displayed:

read                        Measurement was added to the list

ws                           Workspace file created

rvwj                        Workspace file has been sent

pc                            Point-Cloud file has been sent

task                        Slicing has been started

queued                    Slicing has been placed in the queue.

24%                        Progress in slicing

finished                   Slicing successfully completed

crypted                   GCODE has been downloaded

printed            The insert was sent to the printer and printed

Once the inserts have been sliced, they can be found under "New" (7). Finished inserts, i.e. when the right and left sides of a pair have been sent to the printer, can be found under "Done" (8). You can also move the inserts manually to "Done". Simply select the insert in the list and click on the [-> DONE] button.

You can also delete the insert in a similar way. Simply select the insert in the list and click on the [Delete] button.

You can only change the priority of the inserts if you have switched off the automatic function (5) (red button). You can then either move the insert selected in the list directly to priority 1 (10) as the next file to be printed or move it up or down in the printer waiting list via the position (11) in the list.

Printing can then also be started manually (9).

If you are in the completed jobs (8), you can move the selected insert back to the printer waiting list for reprinting by selecting the insert and clicking on the [-> New] button (12).

Any modern computer with a 3D graphics card has sufficient computing power to work with GP 3D inlay printing. To create the print file, the computer must have access to the Internet.
The operating systems are supported:

  • Windows 11 (64 bit)

The following programme must also be installed Microsoft.NET Core Runtime 8.0.6 (x86). This can also be installed by the support employee

The computer cannot be used for constructions. The computer must be switched on 24/7 and cannot be used for any other purpose.

The printer, laptop and camera of the Mike printer must be in the same network.

The extension and GP inlay printing must be installed and activated by a support employee.

The following instructions describe how to work with the GP inlay printing module for Cubix 24/7.

Before you can also access your printer via WiFi, it must first be configured. To do this, click on the cogwheel in the top bar. The following window opens.

Enter the name of your network and your network password here. You can also enter a name for the printer here, which will make the printer visible on the network. Once you have made all the entries, create the configuration file for the printer using the WiFi-Config.cir -> USB button. This can then be found on the desktop (wifi_config.cir). Save this file to an empty USB stick.

Configure the printer:

Once the configuration file "wifi_config.cir" has been created, place it in the root directory of a USB stick and carry out the following steps on the printer:

1.                 Switch on the printer
2.                 Insert the USB stick into the printer. NOTE: The USB stick must have the following format FAT32.
3.                 Open the settings menu
4.                 Select Network settings.
5.                 Select reconfigure.

If successful, a confirmation message "Wi-Fi configured" will appear on the screen. At this point, the printer will be connected to the selected network and the printer name will be displayed on the printer's LCD.

Operating manual

GP Manager

GP inlay printing for 24/7

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Germany - 48149 Münster
Phone +49 251 98724 - 0
Fax +49 251 98724 - 22
e-mail info@gebiom.de