Scan settings - Scans the wrong way round

You can see which file is responsible for the scan settings in the ;

B_rotateFScan180 = no //the measurement is rotated by 180 degrees
FILE_TWAIN = Config_TWAIN_Filiale //further scan settings


T_Scanner = Microtek ScanWizard DI //Name of the scanner from the scanner list
B_Select = yes //if the specified scanner name is not found, a selection dialogue appears
B_Unbedingt_Dialog_Aufrufen = yes //yes= a scan dialogue is displayed before the scan
B_Erzeuge_ScannerListe = yes //Creates a scanner list in C:\Temp\GpTemp > TWAIN_Liste.txt
B_Create_TWAIN_Property_list = no


If scans are displayed rotated or mirrored, they can be rotated by 180 degrees in praxis.ini or adjusted via the scanner software (B_Unbedingt_Dialog_Aufrufen = yes).