Why do i see an error message „mfc100.dll not found“?
Error description
After the GP Manager starts a message like: „Mfc100.dll not found“ is shown.
Cause of error
This file is part of the „Visual Studio redistributable Packs“ (vcredis). The most common cause for this message is a missing installation of one Vcredist package.
Another reason is, that the file is deleted. This might have happened by accident or if your computer is infected with a virus.
The Vcredist packages are distributed together with the GP Manager. If you have a GP Manager installation the packages should be inside the installation folder.
- Open the folder where the GP Manager ist installed („How to find the GP Manager installation?„).
- Open the GpTools Folder.
- As the packages are not cumulative you will have to make sure each package is installed. Simply run each installation and follow the descriptions during the installation.
- Vcredist_2008_SP1\vcredist_x86.exe
- Vcredist_2010\vcredist_x86.exe
- Vcredist_2013\vcredist_x86.exe
- Try again to start the GP Manager
If the problem still exists contact the GeBioM mbH Support.